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Early in August I was given an iPad at school since e-textbooks were adopted, and every middle school student was getting one. At first, I didn't find it as useful as I expected, and I even felt like it was just another device I had to carry in my bag and to take care of besides the other devices I had been provided during the new staff training. However, due to certain situation I unexpectedly faced a couple of weeks ago, now I find myself loving my iPad and loving the fact that I always get to carry my favorite books with me. Yes, I entered the world of e-books, for real.
Even though my first steps into the e-book world started when I became a student at Full Sail, I remember how upset I was when I found out I was mostly getting e-books instead of hard copies. I even remember calling FSO and complaining. I was so used to reading with a highlighter and pen in hand...I really loved underlining new words, and taking notes wherever I found room on a page that I just couldn't imagine having to read off my laptop and having to have a separate notebook with me. But this is all in the past now.
For the last couple of weeks I have been trapped in a world where nothing seems to excite me or make me smile, so some of my closest friends, in their effort to cheer me up, suggested that I started reading the Bible and some other books about how to cope with my situation: the loss of a child. Since I didn't feel like going anywhere, I decided to make good use of my iPad, and started exploring different sites such as Kindle, Apple iBooks, Nook, and so on. Soon I found myself downloading free apps and downloading e-books that I have enjoyed reading, and that have helped me found some peace. I was even able to get a free Bible app that offers several daily or topical plans I have signed up for.
Finally, I'd say now I can't go anywhere without my iPad. I read everywhere, even while waiting for my son in the car riders line, and the most important of all, my son, who has been going through a lot lately too, seems to be enjoying reading his favorite books on my iPad. Maybe I need to cheer him up by getting him his own e-book reader soon...