Saturday, October 1, 2011

Wk 1 Free Choice Entry: Getting Into The e-Book World...

Image taken from
Early in August  I was given an iPad  at school since e-textbooks were adopted, and every middle school student was getting one. At first, I didn't find it as useful as I expected, and I even felt like it was just another device I had to carry in my bag and to take care of besides the other devices I had been provided during the new staff training. However, due to certain situation I unexpectedly faced a couple of weeks ago, now I find myself loving my iPad and loving the fact that I always get to carry my favorite books with me. Yes, I entered the world of e-books, for real.

Even though my first steps into the e-book world started  when  I became a student at Full Sail,   I remember how upset I was when I found out I was mostly getting  e-books instead of hard copies. I even remember calling FSO and complaining. I was so used to reading with a highlighter and pen in hand...I really loved underlining new words, and taking notes wherever I found room on a page that I just couldn't imagine having to read off my laptop and having to have a separate notebook with me. But this is all in the past now.

For the last couple of weeks I have been trapped in a world where nothing seems to excite me or make me smile, so some of my closest friends, in their effort to cheer me up, suggested that I started reading the Bible and some other books about how to cope with my situation: the loss of a child. Since I didn't feel like going anywhere, I decided to make good use of my iPad, and started exploring different sites such as Kindle, Apple iBooks, Nook, and so on. Soon I found myself downloading free apps and downloading e-books that I have enjoyed reading,  and that have helped me found some peace. I was even able to get a free Bible app that offers several daily or topical plans I have signed up for.

Finally, I'd say now I can't go anywhere without my iPad. I read everywhere,  even while waiting for my son in the car riders line, and the most important of all, my son, who has been going through a lot lately too, seems to be enjoying reading his favorite books on my iPad. Maybe I need to cheer him up by getting him his own e-book reader soon...


  1. Fari,

    The iPad is a really amazing device. I don't know if you knew but many of the reader apps will let you share books with others. Funny how we open our mind to new technology and then wonder what we would do with out it. I even have a blog post app on mine so I can update my blog. Just think of how this device will evolve in just a few more years. I just saw the kindle has really dropped in price but after using the iPad I think the bar will be set high. Thanks for the post!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your journey and i'm so sorry to hear about your family's loss. I'm glad that you were able to find a venue to find connection and solace. I love reading on my iPad. Here's a link to a guide that I created for my mom and her iPad:

  3. Joe,
    Thanks for the videos. I am considering buying an iPad for my mom as a Christmas present and the videos will really help!
